" The recipe for a leadership cake: Responsibilities with personal diligence, caring for your team, rotating praise to motivate your team, giving more than taking, and constant practice in inspiring and innovating "

Hasan Al Salman

About Us

From the land of ancient civilizations, the first civilizations in the world, from the Mesopotamian civilization that took its first steps on the land of Iraq, our ancient history is manifested as a beacon of science and law. Iraq, a country that was once a center of knowledge and civilization, transmits to us its great legacy, which is embodied through us to restore the principles of law and science to their true role in serving humanity all over the world.

My friend who is viewing this website, the real influencer in your surroundings and your life is you, change starts from you, all the information and strategies provided by our office are the tools in your hand to write your own success story. Our development programs are not just tips and theories, but a guide that aims to help you achieve your dreams and transform your goals into a success story that provides quality value to the community.

The Iraqi Enterprise Development Office, established in 2023, is dedicated to providing consultancy services and building and development structures for organizations and will help you whether you are a budding entrepreneur, a seasoned manager, a minister, MP, or even someone who is interested in how you impact the world through your work, and how your work can reflect the values you respect and strive to achieve.



Programs developed for government and private organizations

Business Development Consultancy

Visit our office


Iraq - Baghdad - Rabie St.

Opening hours

Saturday - Thursday

10 am - 10 pm

The office works on a pre-booking system for services or consulting hours

